A Writer's Guide To: Tumblr

We've been talking a lot about identifying and finding our readers. Your comments have been wonderful and really got my wheels turning. We all know that social media is an important component of every author's marketing toolbox, but with so many sites it's hard to know which ones to use.
writer author marketing tools
 I'm not a social media expert, but I do know how to track down information. Over the next few weeks I'll feature a different social media site and provide the best information I can find on how to use it and ways writers can benefit from it.

To kick things off, we're starting with a site I know practically nothing about: Tumblr. Here are the best five posts I found to help us all learn more about it.

1. Kissmetrics
This post is heavy on the details of Tumblr. If you've never looked in to creating your own site, this is a great place to start. The author shares everything from how to enable non-member comments to how to increase your chances of going viral. Plus, there's an option at the bottom of the page to sign up and get a marketer's guide to Tumblr

2. Mashable
This post shares both the advantages and disadvantages of Tumblr. Not everyone or every business is suited to a Tumblr account and this post provides guidelines for making the decision.

3. Practical eCommerce
Need a quick hit of why Tumblr is the way to go? This post shares the top five reasons marketers should be on the fastest growing social networking site.

4. Media Bistro
Galley Cat offers up their Tumblr tips just for writers

5. YA Highway
Still not sure. The always informative folks over at YA Highway provide a list of YA authors with Tumblr sites. Be sure to check them out and get a feel for what other authors are doing.


The Millions
Not a YA writer? Never fear, The Millions has put together several lists of sites including authors, readers, and literary themed Tumblr blogs.

So there's my roundup. Do you have a Tumblr site? Share you link in the comments or share you own tips for how authors can be using the site to find and cultivate our readers.


  1. I use Tumblr but not much. It's the one social media outlet I let slide.

  2. I read a few (because I'm a sucker for a funny gif), but I've yet to take the plunge.

  3. I haven't looked much into tumblr. I think a blog, FB and (a little) Twitter is plenty for me right now. I'm afraid of spreading myself too thin-- like they say, if you're going to do something, do it well.

  4. As a YA author, I feel compelled to at least give Tumblr a try. Thanks for the info!

    1. Yeah, Their key demographic is the under 30 crowd. Prime territory for the YA author.

  5. I haven't looked into tumblr at all because I already feel overwhelmed as it is. Can't there just be one ring to rule them all? :-) I thought that ring was going to be g+, so I jumped on that bandwagon, but yeah... no. Looking forward to the rest of your posts on social media.

    1. I wish! One site to socialize us all would be amazing.

  6. I use tumblr, but it's more for fun than for any other reason. It's a very dangerous site to get addicted to, though, because I can waste hours and hours going through my following page and reading posts and looking at the pretty pictures. It's addictive.

    1. I think that's why it's so popular for the younger crowd. Unlike Blogs and other sites that are information driven, Tumblr seems to be focused more on entertainment.

  7. I don't use tumblr but I can see the appeal for sure.

  8. I started using it. I don't know what I'm doing but it seems pretty easy. It's a mix of pinterest and twitter. Here's my link:


  9. I followed your link from the FB post to this one. I have a tumblr account and I have no idea what to do with it, so I'll check out your links.


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