Agency Lessons

Why querying is a lot like sorority recruitment!

So I'm coming at this from a bit of experience having been a sorority girl. Yep. I was even the recruitment chair.

It's true! And I can't help but notice the similarities between trying to join a sorority and the search for your dream agent. When I was the one going through recruitment I thought all the pressure was on me to be the coolest girl ever. Once I joined, I figured all the pressure was over, but I was wrong. Truth is, while I was outside hoping they'd think I was good enough to get in, they were inside hoping I would think they were good enough to want to join.

So, how does that relate to querying? You send off your bright and shiny manuscript to your favorite agents, and running through your head is "Please let them see how awesome this is! Puh-lease let them like it!"

Though probably with more clothes on.

And you think that on the inside of the agency everyone is just waiting to give you and your manuscript the big thumbs down.

But the truth is, behind the agency door, the agents are just as nervous! They read an awesome manuscript and think "Pick me, Pick me".

So you sit around waiting for "the call"...

and when the agent of your dreams offers representation, you do a happy dance...
Meanwhile, your dream agent is in her office chugging down copious amounts of coffee (or other liquid fuel), praying that you call her back to accept the offer.

So when you call and say in your most professional voice ever, "Holy Crap, I'd love to be your client", there really is celebration on both sides of the fence.


  1. My agent was so amazing when she offered me representation. At first I couldn't talk and then I turned into a babbling idiot, but she was so excited and calmed me down so we could have a real conversation. :)

    1. I hear that's a pretty common reaction. :)I'm looking forward to my chance at being a babbling idiot someday.

  2. I love this animated guide! Too funny! I think it's easy to forget that yes, agents and publishers are people, too.

    1. Yep, they are people and often times just as anxious as we are as writers. :)

  3. Very funny, and I love the visual aids.

  4. Great gifs...I completely get the sorority reference, it's so YA ms is on query now & I can't wait to get the call & find someone who loves it as much as I do :)

    1. Good luck, Patrice. Hopefully there's an agent out there chugging shots right now thinking, I hope she likes me. :)

  5. Well, from the reactions I'm getting. apparently the vid of the half-naked, fat guy sliding is exactly how the agents see my ms. Only with less clothes. lol
    And despite your logical argument, I think that although agents hope to find a diamond in the slush pile, they still look for any reason to reject -- there are just too many subs, and any flaw, real or imagined, will be used against you. Plus, the celebration may last for a while, but I know a lot of authors and agents who've parted ways when the project didn't sell. The honeymoon is short.
    I may disagree, but I sure loved your fun post! :-)


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