DIY Blog Tour: Tour Page

Create a page on your blog or website the includes your book info (including buy link) and tour schedule. If your hosts can schedule their post, ask them for the live link so you can include this prior to the actual post date. If not, be sure to update the page with live links each day a new tour post goes up.

Unlike the page you created for your hosts, this one will be live. It's an easy way to remind regular viewers to check out your tour stops without shouting it from the rooftops. Go ahead and post your regular content then share a quick line at the bottom or top of the post.

"Today I'm over at another blog talking about world building. Check out the full tour schedule for Your Book Title."

This gets all the info in a visible spot for your fans, but keeps your regular blog visitors from feeling like they've had your tour shoved down their throats for two weeks. In case this wasn't clear, I'm saying that you'll need to continue your regular blog schedule during your tour. If you need to keep it light, that's fine, but don't abandon your blog readers just because you're doing a blog tour.

And by all means, make your tour banner or button do double duty. Include it in your side bar and have the link point straight to the tour page.


  1. Great advice, Sarah! Thanks! (Interesting to note that I read "Unlike the page..." as un-Like the page and briefly wondered which page I was supposed to take my "Like" off of. Curse you Facebook...)

    1. Oh no! It's a bad episode of "When social media attacks". :)


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