Platform Pick-Up: Amazon pt.1

Your Goodreads account is now in tip-top shape. Time to move over to Amazon.

Not matter what you think about Amazon, there is no denying they are one of the biggest players in book purchasing (if not the biggest). So you need an Author Central account. If you don't have one, today you'll need to create one.

Like with Goodreads, you'll need to have a book available in order to create your Author Central account. If you don't have a book out yet, use this time to get familiar with the lay of the land. Go to Amazon and look up a few of your favorite authors. Check out what they have included and how they have their account set up. That way you'll be ahead of the game when the time comes to set up your own account.

The process to set up the account is pretty basic. If you already have an Amazon account (which you probably do) you can use all the same log-in info. Amazon has a pretty straightforward help center with instructions for creating your Author Central account.

If you already have an account, you're ahead of the game today. Go ahead and check your settings now to make sure you are using the same bio and photo that you are using on your social media sites. 

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